Wednesday, September 9

Reeling On....

No one cares no one feels
They never understood my pain
Through the spiked road I reel
All my help goes in vain

They never understood they never can
Never were they true to me
Whenever I needed they ran
For being caring I’ve paid the fee

Never did someone lend me a hand
Never were they there for me
I’m slipping into this quick sand
But no one will hear my plea

Everyone has broken the trust
They all thought I am zero
But now I’ll arise from the crust
And be crowned the awakened fallen hero….!!

Monday, September 7


As the warlords cried
The battle cats leaped
The unknowing tyrant sighed
This victory had not been cheap

As the bodies were cleared
The bloody killers crowned
The unknowing tyrant lied
This army had not been meek

As the common masses were told
The losers castle robbed
The unknowing tyrant tried
This kingdom was so surreal

As the chariots were loaded
The donkeys back laden
The unknowing tyrant defied
This land will not see the next peer

As more blood the warriors craved
The innocent people prayed
The unknowing tyrant nay'ed
This land's ashes will add to his rep and fear