Saturday, March 15

It rises onto the skies
Falls deep into hell
Lingers on the surface a lot
And then again it rises
(Or does it fall once more)
Only to stop midway
Somewhere between the skies and earth
Where no good can ever may
Floating above the depths
Shrieking amidst the grey
A thunder of loudness bolts
And stops before you can face
And again it begins the ascent
(Or is it a decline, Oh pray)
To only fall back 
Somewhere in the interlude
Lost in the hush of surround
Only to begin a whisper
And soon into a sound
Like a baby it grows
Evolving into this mammal
As it guides it successor to pinnacles
It never could surmount

But you do not know that
You may never guess
For a symphony contains a million shouts
But only one that gets the applause.